Copywriting for money

posted in: Stuff

…or how to get people to give you money with your copy

When writing for anything that has the goal of someone giving you money, tell them why they should do it. We as buyers are only interested in your product or service for selfish reasons… what is known as the WIIFMs (or What’ s In It For Me).


SEO for fun

posted in: SEO

SEO is sometimes referred as an art, a skill, a craft and even a science. However it is never referred as something people just do for fun.

Search engine optimization is complicated and time consuming. There is no serious SEO who will tell you otherwise. Most serious SEO companies need to have a large team of programmers and SEO experts to provide proper services to their clients. (more…)

Yellow Pages: When a monster is cornered

posted in: Web News

Everybody remembers the days when Yellow Pages was the place to get all business information you needed. You wanted a service or product, didn’t know where to get it, you looked into the Yellow Pages. However, times have changed dramatically. (more…)

Stars to die on December 1

posted in: Web News

On December 1 Ryan Seacrest, Lady Gaga, Serena Williams and Justin Timberlake will stop tweeting and posting on facebook. Videos of their deaths will be posted online where people will be able to see them in their coffins. All of this has been organized by Alicia Keys and will not stop until $1 million dollars is raised. (more…)

Enter title here (how to write)

posted in: SEO
Pen en papier / Pen and paper
Image by Nationaal Archief via Flickr

Writing is not necessarily easy. Some people just get it, you have an idea, write a title and off they go. For most of us, however, the creative writing process can be somewhat more of a challenge.

Experts give different ways of coming up with new articles. Perform a Google search, throw words randomly, read the latest news, pray to your deity… but reality is, people write what people can write. Some write great thought provoking stuff, others simply write stuff.

Writing stuff is ok, every now and then you find a little pearl of wisdom and amaze yourself. What really matters is that you have to keep trying if you really want to write. (more…)

#NewTwitter: Twitter’s big announcement

posted in: Web News

Twitter had a “big” press conference yesterday evening. They sent out invitations with little explanation of what was about to be revealed. The invitees felt the excitement in the air, the secret was filling the room and the Twitter employees giddily smiled, barely containing the secret.

Twitter was a flurry of tweets, even people (like me) who were not present in the conference were hanging from every tweet from TechCrunch and others talking about what was going on in the event. (more…)

Web Design: Want to sell? Tell me to buy!

posted in: Web Design

How can a business be successful without sales? How can you sell without asking me to buy? This is simple, yet, many people forget this easy basic element of selling. You have a great product, its packaged brilliantly and its in your office waiting for me to buy. I may, by chance, get to see it, but I may think its there to adorn your desk. If you want me to buy it, you need to tell me you are selling it! How does this translate to internet marketing?

We spend a lot of time and effort creating great web design but we forget that the most important element is what’s makes things happen… “a call to action”. The concept is simple, you have a product and its shown in your website all over the place. It looks pretty, it has a price, but most people won´t take action unless the required action is obvious. If you want a visitor to fill a form, state it clearly with text and design, make it obvious. If you want a visitor to buy, show the “buy now” button clearly.

What can a brilliantly executed idea do?

posted in: Web Design
Pencil sharpener and pencil.
Image via Wikipedia

What is an artisanal pencil sharpener? Well, most of us remember when we had to sharpen our No. 2s in school. I still remember how in between classes I had to sharpen my pencil and the pride and peace it brought having an excellently sharpened pencil, specially if they didn’t break. There were cheap pencil sharpeners that almost invariably resulted in a broken tip. And then, there were others that sharpened the pencil like a really pointy dagger. So, there are sharpened pencils and Sharpened pencils. (more…)